About Me

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Hello my name is Widalis but everyone calls me LaLy... I am 33 yrs old and currently a stay at home mom of a 1 1/2 yr old little girl I started Kaplan in March 2010 I am getting my degree for Medical Billing & Coding and I am seeking into getting in the medical field as quickly as possible. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and I hope this will be a very interesting experience being that I am not the best and need much help with my writing.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

So class this is our last blog i did like the blog I didn’t get as much feedback as I wanted but I enjoyed expressing myself. I hope all of you do well in your other class as well as the rest of your school. I feel like I strengthened a whole lot in these 10 weeks. I am very happy with my grade for my paper so I must of learned. As difficult it was to find my thesis I feel like I have improved on how to get and write about it. I am going to use the paramedic method a lot I found it very helpful to me. Again I wish you all the best.

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