About Me

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Hello my name is Widalis but everyone calls me LaLy... I am 33 yrs old and currently a stay at home mom of a 1 1/2 yr old little girl I started Kaplan in March 2010 I am getting my degree for Medical Billing & Coding and I am seeking into getting in the medical field as quickly as possible. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and I hope this will be a very interesting experience being that I am not the best and need much help with my writing.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello Class
So the holidays went by and we have three more weeks for this semester how does everyone feel about that? Writing my paper was a little nerve racking but I know I have learn more here than I thought I did in college comp 1. I am very excited with my grade and my draft I have done so far. I appreciate all the feedback. There has been lack of comments in my blog but it is ok because I just express myself more here that what I have started to do here after a while it don’t think its something I can get a comment on I guess. I don’t know I I plan to keep my blog after I am done with this semester because I only seems to use it for this class I don’t communicate with anyone here. I usually give my peers my facebook account to talk there I have become friends with a lot of my past peers there. School has been a great experience.  

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