About Me

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Hello my name is Widalis but everyone calls me LaLy... I am 33 yrs old and currently a stay at home mom of a 1 1/2 yr old little girl I started Kaplan in March 2010 I am getting my degree for Medical Billing & Coding and I am seeking into getting in the medical field as quickly as possible. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and I hope this will be a very interesting experience being that I am not the best and need much help with my writing.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

OMG guys it is Tuesday and it 9pm and I am not done with my paper. I have a headache from watching and reading so much. I have everything pretty much where I want it I just need to get more info for the right amount of pages. i don’t know why this paper has been so frustrating.  This is our last week I have to get this paper done on time I cannot mess up now towards the end. Wish you guys all the luck on your papers and it was great getting all the feedback and help for my paper thanks classmates.   

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