About Me

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Hello my name is Widalis but everyone calls me LaLy... I am 33 yrs old and currently a stay at home mom of a 1 1/2 yr old little girl I started Kaplan in March 2010 I am getting my degree for Medical Billing & Coding and I am seeking into getting in the medical field as quickly as possible. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and I hope this will be a very interesting experience being that I am not the best and need much help with my writing.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hello everyone
I hope you all are ready for the holiday. I love it so much I love that I will be with family and close friends. I cannot wait to eat all the good food and drink some drinks and wait till 12 to open gifts. As my baby gets bigger I love the holidays with her. Last year she was crying when she had to open the gifts. She will be 2 soon and now she is more active. So my writing skills has been getting ok I guess I finally finished my paper for the 6 week project . I hope I did it good I spent all day yesterday doing it I hope all of you a very very merry merry chritsmas and a happy new year…………   

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hello my bloggers
I hope everyone is getting ready for the holidays I know I am I think it has been more frustrating than my school work these days. We moved into a bigger house so this year Christmas will be in my house. It is a big 2 story house so it is cleaning, decorating buying the food time hoping it will be all done and right for everyone. I must say I love the holidays I also live in Fl. Which has been very cold here coming down to 30, and 40 degree were not use to that I think us Floridians  are more tropical so this cold weather is driving me crazy, but I know it will make the Christmas spirit more alive and make it feel more like Christmas. I feel like I am hating and loving the moment truthfully I just can’t wait till it gets here and see me baby face open her gifts she is only 1 ½ but I know she got everything she wanted. I have been putting a lot of efforet to my writing I know it has improved since I started school I feel when it comes to writing I learn it and take it all in and when it comes to do a paper I forget everything and get nervous. In my anatomy class I have a small paper to turn in every week and I get good feed backs on it and get all my point so I am very proud of myself and with my school work that I have dedicated so much time and effort to hope all of you are doing the same.        

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hello Class
 I am really enjoying this class and what I am learning and what more I have to learn. I enjoying reading everyone blog and learning more about them and their writing and thoughts. I think citing someone else work is very important because you are learning from their writing and the best thing we as learning writer can do it give them credit for it. Plagiarism is very important to school and the last thing you want is to get in trouble for not citing and giving credit.   

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hello Class
I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving. I am very thankful for my daughter each and every day for coming into my life at such a difficult time when I found out I was pregnant I had just lost my little brother 2 months earlier. I cried and prayed so much for a little girl I am blessed to have her. She can get me exhausted by the end of the day but she puts a smile on my face all day and I am thankful for that. I decided to go to online school when she was about 3 month because I was not going to work and I was breastfeeding. I researched which one was the best for me and what was I going to go for and I decided when she finally turned one I was going to start Kaplan University on March 24 the day after her birthday. Online school has been a dream for me it is perfect for me to have the opportunity to study and do me school work for the comfort of my home and spend time with my child at home and teach her and potty train her as well. I am not too much of a writer so I am hoping to get as much feedback as possible and different ideas anyone thinks can be better or fixed or something needs to be added so hope to hear from you guys